Horry County Stormwater Assistance

Horry County, SC

Professional services for Horry County have included numerous tasks performed to meet the requirements of the County’s revised Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit. In order to address the terms and conditions of the recently revised Permit and Construction General Permit, Bowman assisted the County in reviewing and updating their Stormwater Management Ordinance and Design Manual and in the development of a Monitoring and Assessment Plan, Enforcement Response Plan and pollution prevention/good housekeeping procedures. The County’s existing ordinance and design manual required updating in order to: (1) establish adequate legal authority to enforce the illicit discharge detection and elimination program, (2) create mechanisms and procedures to ensure long-term maintenance of post-development best management practices, (3) address issues identified by County staff during the implementation and enforcement of the existing ordinance and manual, and (4) standardize design criteria for innovative technologies (i.e. Low Impact Development practices) and methodologies (i.e. post-development volume control design). Bowman staff is currently working with the County coordinating four stakeholder workshops for designers, developers and other interested parties on the newly developed stormwater ordinance and design manual. Bowman developed and is assisting with the implementation of an enforcement response plan designed to set out the County’s potential responses to violations and address repeat and continuing violations through progressively stricter responses as needed to achieve compliance in regards to the illicit discharge, construction, post-construction and pollution prevention programs. In addition, Bowman developed and submitted for state approval Monitoring and Assessment Plan for implementation in addressing existing and future plans in the County. Bowman has also assisted Horry County in the review and development of comments on terms and conditions of state and federal regulations and/or guidelines related to stormwater management.